Worldwide Runway Database
Optimize flight operations with the precision of our Worldwide Runway Database, offering detailed and up-to-date runway information globally.
- Extensive Coverage: Detailed specifications for over 39,000 runways worldwide, supporting both major international airports and regional airstrips.
- Accurate Updates: Updated every 28 days with the AIRAC cycle, maintaining high data integrity and accuracy.
- Comprehensive Details: Includes vital information such as runway identifier, length, width, surface type, magnetic bearing, true bearing, gradient, displaced threshold distance, TCH value indicator, threshold crossing height, stopway, declared distances (TORA, TODA, ASDA, LDA), TDZ elevation, runway usage indicator, surface code, and additional notes.
- Global Compliance: Meets international standards, including EASA and FAA regulations, ensuring global safety and operational requirements.
- Integration Capability: Seamlessly integrates with flight planning systems, navigational aids, and operational software.
- Safety Measures: Provides precise runway data for informed decision-making during landing and take-off, enhancing safety.
- Operational Efficiency: Helps optimize flight paths, manage fuel, and reduce delays, improving overall efficiency.
- Support and Adaptability: Ongoing support and customization ensure the database evolves with operational needs.
Ideal for: Airlines, airport operators, runway safety officers, flight planning agencies, aviation regulators, and safety managers responsible for ensuring safe and efficient runway operations.